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About us

     My name is Laasya Mamidipalli and I am the creator and Youth Leader of the projects "Goodbye Plastics", and the continuation "Goodbye Plastics : Get Your Own Bottle". These projects were both funded by Carmel Green Teens, which is a micro-grant program. With the funding in my current project, I have purchased 100+ BPA free reusable water bottles to distribute to the people at my school, Clay Middle School, who take a pledge to use the reusable water bottle for a certain amount of time, and who promise to continue helping the environment.


     In my current project, "Goodbye Plastics : Get Your Own Bottle", I got help from my friend Nanditha. In my past project I got help from Isabel and Logan, both sixth graders. 


     The basic idea of the project started when I was in our school cafeteria. I noticed that many students were throwing their plastic bottles in the trash instead of the recycling bin. Seeing this, I got very concerned about the effects these water bottles would have on the environment and decided to find out a way to show the students and staff at Clay that each and every one of the water bottles thrown away greatly harms the environment. 


     Before I got into the details of the project we decided to do some basic research about what plastic bottles really do to our environment. I quickly learnt that Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour; which is enough to circle the Earth's equator at least 4 times! 


     The project started by placing a large box near the school's cafeteria, where students can give us their plastic bottles. Once they do this, they can take a survey located on the survey tab of this website. The first 100+ people to donate water bottles and take a pledge will receive a BPA  free reusable water bottle. If the project goes well, I also hope to install a water refilling station with the grant we got. The station will save the use of many plastic bottles and is more convenient and effecient for students than a water fountain, because it fills a normal sized water bottle in a very short 6 seconds. 

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